
Showing posts from January, 2018
Washing machine: A washing machine is a device also called as clothes washer or laundry machine it can be used to wash clothes or Laundry. Clothes washer technology developed to reduce the manual human efforts and quickly you can rid of the stains on the clothes, and also reduce the amount of water than regularly you are used to wash your clothes.  How to maintain washing machines? Once you purchased the washing machine the next important step that you have to do is maintaining it carefully.  Follow some of the simple steps to maintain are: Inspect the fittings: The first step you have to do is inspect all the fittings are in good condition or not. Replace the fittings and hoses once for every three years it’s the part of washing machine maintenance. It’s just a safety maintenance step to stop future problems that may cause.     Leveling: Leveling is the next step can be used to adjust the machine feet until indicate the fizz that it is balanced. Inspect